By Odeya Ogbetuo (Warri)
The President,God’s Kingdom Society (GKS), The Church of the Living God, Brother Felix Ekundayo Adedokun has warned people in all walks of life that are yet to repent fully and turn to God and worship Him in truth and righteousness to do so, to avoid woes and impeding calamity.
Brother Adedokun gave this warning during his address to round off this year’s( 2022) Christian Feast of Tabernacles which took place in Salem City(Headquarters) Warri, Delta State. In his address entitled:“The World Before The Judgment Seat Of God Almighty” , the GKS’ President said, no one(dead or alive) can escape the judgment of God as everyone would be justly rewarded according to his or her own deeds.
The GKS President said “the continuous preaching of the gospel serves as a warning to all people of the world to repent of their sins and turn to God” to avoid the impending calamity which would be the consequence of sins and disobedience.
He urged the people to avoid all acts of wickedness as well as frivolous, spiteful and malicious thoughts as those who refuse to pay heed to the gospel and continue in their evil deeds would have themselves to blame on the day of reckoning when all the wicked and their master, the Devil, would be destroyed.
According to him “God Almighty has appointed Jesus Christ as the Judge of all Earth. The times of ignorance, God winked at but now commanded all men everywhere to repent because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man (Jesus) whom he has ordained and whom he has raised from dead”.
The GKS’ President said that whatever the tribulation the Devil may bring on the world, God Almighty would always make a way out for His people so that they would continue to carry on His work, saying, the importance of the online services through which “we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles at our various branches and even in our homes across the world”.
On the importance of the Christian Feast of Tabernacles, Brother Adedokun said the feast was instituted by God Almighty through Moses, the Prophet and celebrated by the ancient Israel and that, God gave command that it should be celebrated till today, saying, Biblical record shows that Jesus Christ participated actively in the Feast of Tabernacle and taught the people.
The GKS’ President who quoted several Bible portions to buttress his sermon said, the essence of the word of God Almighty is to execute His judgment for people to take advantage of it and turn to Him in righteousness so as to be favoured by His grace, adding that, keeping God’s commandment and laws have great rewards.
The highlights of the eight days Christians’ Festival was the preaching of over 15 sermons by GKS’ Ministers; church members’ streets processions; Christian Women’s Assembly, blessing of little children; about 42 choral and cultural groups from different branches display; special thanksgiving and prayers to God.