The Pastor, David O. Amanoritsewo Preaching during Divine Service Worship Assembly
By Eruotor Cynthia
The week long(8 days: Decenber 15 -22 2024) God’s Ordained Annual Feast of Tabernacles that was celebrated by Acceptable Christian Church(ACC) which was held at the church’s Headquarters, 15 Skinn Road and Open Space on Ijaw Street by Victory Avenue, off Odion, off Cemetery Road Daudu, Warri in Warri South Local Government Area, Delta, has finally come to an end with admonition to Christians all over the world to always celebrate the feast to obtain God’s blessings.
In his sermon titled: “Justice Manifested” which of course, was the last sermon preached for the week by the Pastor of the Church, David O. Amanoritsewo, he said, Justice Manifested is the second of the ten fundamental truths of the Holy Bible. According to him, the ten fundamental truths are Creation, Justice Manifested, The Abrahamic Promise, The Birth Of Jesus Christ, The Ransom Sacrifice, Resurrection, Mystery Revealed, Our Lord’s Return (Christ’s second presence), Glorification of the Church and of course, Restoration ( Restitution of all things).
He quoted Psalm 89:14, which says:” Justice and Judgement are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face,” to buttress his message. The Cleric said, Justice is the quality of being just, fair, or reasonable, the legal system used to punish people who have violated the law, either criminal, civil or quasi criminal.
According to him, Jehovah, the Almighty God is the God of Justice that anchors on love adding that, whatever God Almighty does is out of Love since God Himself is love. He said, where there is no law, no transgression. He quoted Romans 4:15 that says:”Because the law worketh wrath:for where no law is, there is no transgression” among others.
According to the Cleric, God Almighty created Adam(man) in his image and likeness and Eve(woman) as his(Adam) wife, in the beautiful garden of Eden for them to enjoy their life adding that, God made them to dominate over every creature on earth.
He said, both Adam and his wife, Eve, through the handiwork of Satan, the Devil, disobeyed God’s commandment by eating from the tree which God had commanded them not to eat. He said, this development made them to face the judgement of God since His law doesn’t change. According to him, that Eve was deceived by the Lucifer, the Devil and Adam was lured by wife, Eve, did not change the law as both were punished by the law. The Cleric who quoted many Holy Scriptures including Gen.2: 16,17, Isaiah 14:12-15; Gen. 3:2-5; 1st Timothy 2:14; Hew.6:18; James 1:17, among others. According to him, it is because God loved them hence He punished them adding that, a loving father sometimes punishes his child whenever he violates a rule.
He added that, the father inflicts punishment on the child, not because he does not love the child or that he wants him suffer but it is for the good of the child to enable him learn discipline. (Hebrew 12:5-11).He said, it was the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the first parents on earth that brought about suffering and death to mankind hence, mankind has continued in sin which include adultery, fornication, stealing, hatred and murder.
According to him, all these lead man to everlasting destruction and prevent man from entering the everlasting, perfect and blissful Kingdom of God if man does not repent from them. He therefore charged everyone to repent from his sin as God will have mercy on the person, forgive him and save him by His grace through Jesus Christ. He quoted Romans 6:23: ”The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.
Earlier in the week,(15th December,2024) in Divine Service Worship Assembly, Brother Omashola Eyengho preached a sermon titled: “The End Of The Commandment Is Charity(Love) Out Of A Pure Heart” (1Tim.1:5; Deut.6:5; Lev.19:17-18; Rom.13:8-10 etc.) while Brother Edwin Kolo, in Holy Convocation preached the sermon titled: “The Core of The Feast Of Tabernacles Is To Drink And Dine On The Pure Word Of God”(Isa.55:1-3; Lev.23: 33-43(39,41-42); Deut.31:9-13; John 7:10-17,37-39; 1Cor.6:9-13; Rev.22:12-15 etc.)
The Feast of Tabernacles which saw members embark on peaceful procession both on the first and the last days through Ijaw Street, Cemetery Road James Street,Wiliki Street,Odion Road, among others, featured charity outreach to the patients in Central Hospital, Warri and physical exercise which involved field and track events including Soccer at Ekenbuwa Primary School, Ajamimogha Road Opposite Olu Palace Road, Warri. The programme which climaxed with the members’ declaration of faith in the Lord’s Ministry also featured songs ministration by the choir, praises and dances to the glory of God.
More Photos of the programme:

Declaration of Faith in the Lord’s Ministry by members

A cross section of members during Divine Service Worship Assembly

Brother Omashola Eyengho delivering Sermon during Divine Service Worship Assembly

Brother Edwin Koloh delivering Sermon during Holy Convocation

A cross section of women during Divine Service Worship Assembly

Choir members during Divine Service Worship Assembly